DecoPac MFT Login access

The electronic files contained herein include Drawings, Specifications and other documents in electronic form (collectively “Data”) prepared by DecoPac. The Data is the electronic format of Drawings, Specifications and other documents that are instruments of service for use solely with respect to the project for which they were prepared (the “Project”) and shall remain DecoPac’s or Project owner’s property even if the Project is not completed. Your use of the Data is strictly limited to that necessary for the services or work you are providing on the Project, and any other terms that have been imposed on you as a condition of your being allowed access to this web site by DecoPac. You have permission to transfer the Data to your contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants on the Project (“Others”) for their use in preparation of shop drawings, submittals and in providing other services on the Project. You agree to obligate the Others in writing to be bound to the terms of this Access Agreement. Any drawings, specifications or other documents created by you or Others, based on the Data, shall not include DecoPac’s name, logo, address and/or other information identifying DecoPac. The transfer of Data to you is not and shall not be deemed a sale. DecoPac makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied regarding the Data’s merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or with respect to its quality, adequacy, completeness or sufficiency as to any results to be or intended to be achieved as to its use. You and Others will verify all dimensions indicated on the Data. DecoPac does not represent that all information contained in the Data is complete. The Data could be changed subsequent to your accessing or downloading Data. Items shown in the Data may not be to scale. You acknowledge anomalies and errors can be introduced into the Data when it is downloaded, transferred or used in an incompatible computer environment.